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locus of control meaning in Hindi

locus of control sentence in Hindi

नियंत्रण का अवस्थान
locus    ठिकाना बिन्दुपथ
of    स् का की पर बाबत
control    संचालन जाँच करना
1.And sadly just winning the lottery is outside anyone's locus of control.

2.Parental enabling attitudes and locus of control of at-risk and honors students.

3.This class helped me keep a locus of control and focus my mind.

4.The research done on personality also mirrors previous results on locus of control.

5.A locus of control is an individual's perception of where control comes from.

6.Cloninger compared SD1 to Rotter s concept of locus of control.

7.Many measures of locus of control have appeared since Rotter's scale.

8.This question focuses on the client s locus of control.

9.Resilience includes having an internal locus of control, persistence, tolerance for ambiguity, and resourcefulness.

10.There are two personality factors related to job satisfaction, alienation and locus of control.

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How to say locus of control in Hindi and what is the meaning of locus of control in Hindi? locus of control Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.